She has a ........ hair

إجابة معتمدة
  • she has ... hair - بيت العلم she has ... hair، نسعد بزيارتكم موقع بــيــت العـلـم ونتمني لجميع طلابنا وطالباتنا النجاح ...
  • she has hair - Deutsch Übersetzung - Englisch Beispiele | Reverso Context In this case it should be noted for herself how she has hair where and what tone it is necessary to understand how to draw a husky dog in color.
  • حل سؤال Choose She has ........ hair - خطوات محلوله ما هو حل سؤال choose che has ........ hair. أبنائي الطلاب والطالبات، أهلا وسهلا بكم في جميع المراحل ...
  • Was Bedeutet HAIR SHE HAS auf Deutsch - Deutsch Übersetzung She is open to every colour and every cut well. ... even bald is better than the hair she has now!
  • she has a short hair or she has short hair? - TextRanch she has short hair vs she has a short hair. A complete search of the internet has found these results she has short hair is the most popular phrase on the ...
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  • Hair is vs. hair are vs. hairs are in English - Jakub Marian wrong Her hair look good. Since it is a mass noun we dont use the indefinite article before it correct She has beautiful hair. wrong She has a beautiful ...
  • She has long hair or She has a long hair? - HiNative She has long hair. This is appropriate when talking about the length of someones hair. She has a long hair. Can be used to point out one ...
  • Grammar - She has long brown hair / She has A long brown hair She had a thick bushy black hair that all the girls in her class envied. (A friend of mine a native English speaker says that in contexts ...